If you are looking to land a job in any of the above fields or you would like to progress your creative career within the sector, you might find it helpful to regularly check the jobs.ac.uk platform and keep informed about new vacancies.
Academic Careers
How and Why CPD courses can help you
A new year with an abundance of opportunities is available. We all have ambitions, goals, and desires which we are keen to achieve within our workplace. But how do we reach our targets and achieve the advancements in our Higher Education career?
Why we chose a career in academia
The path to a career in academia can be widely varied, from building an industrial career that can transfer to teaching and research, to pursuing research following the completion of a PhD.
Research Jobs in Medical Technology
Here we look at the types of roles available in medical technology research and development, career paths into this diverse and exciting field of the health and medical sector and where to find jobs. Medical technology (known as ‘MedTech’) research is vital to the development of life-saving treatments and medical…>
Embracing the Great Resignation
You may have heard the expression ‘The Great Resignation’ before. It describes a trend of people choosing to resign from their jobs as a result of the pandemic.
Why is it important to retain academic art jobs?
There are many reasons why people might choose to work in academic art jobs. Working in the field, you could enjoy a wide range of opportunities for self-expression, learning and broadening your horizons. You could interact with people who share similar artistic interests. Having a varied and interesting job will…>
Is it too late for a career change?
Whether you have worked in the Higher Education sector for a few years or decades, it is absolutely possible to change your career. You can take some small steps immediately to start your journey. A career change may seem like a daunting experience to you at the start.
Mental Health Awareness for Managers
Many Higher Education (HE) managers face a variety of challenges such as limited careers support, job uncertainty, anxiety and working in isolation. Support for mental health awareness and wellbeing is becoming a priority within the HE sector.
How to Promote Inclusion in the Workplace
Universities are under pressure to meet increasing student target numbers, they face global competition as well as strive to promote inclusion for employees.